Saturday, March 25, 2017

eBooks and Audiobooks

eBooks and audiobooks are a growing trend because of their convenience for those who use them. Instead of having to haul around several different paperbacks or hardcovers, they can either download to their device or listen to while in the car. Appeal factors are even more important with these two mediums because patrons won’t be able to feel the physical book in their hands as they read it. eBooks are more easily published as well so it is important that we, as librarians, are aware that they may not be available in print circulation. Older patrons may not want to deal with the hassle of downloading the necessary software or app to read the most recent book in a series.
Audiobooks are unique because the text being narrated is affected by the tone of voice of the one doing the narration. The major appeal factor with audiobooks is the one doing the narration so it is important to be aware of the tone and pacing that the narrator provides for the text they are reading. Patrons may want the narrator to match their voice to the events of the novel so it is important to be aware of the narrators that match the pace of their narration to the pace of the novel. Romance novels may require a narrator with a soft and soothing voice, and mystery/suspense novels may require a narrator that embeds that mystery and suspense in their tone of voice. This is important, and it may even require us to practice listening to audiobooks narrated by different people in a variety of genres so we can be effective when it comes to recommending audiobooks to patrons.

The format of these two mediums do affect pacing and tone because audiobooks are affected the narrator telling the story and eBooks are affected by the format of the text. I like that eBooks have a variety of fonts, line spacing, and text colors because it helps me to read the novel faster. I love being able to balance my iPad or my Nook in my lap while I listen to music, and I prefer eBooks that have fonts that are a bit smaller. It also helps that I can listen to music on either of my devices so that I am able to relax after a long day of work. Fonts, line spacing, and colored text is something we should be aware when it comes to recommending eBooks to patrons because it does affect appeal factors.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic prompt response! You hit the nail on the head. Full points!
